Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Notice : Pls Get Ready

hahaha~ don't why, i fell strange
when the gathering was lack of my present !

now i'm inform to all my dearest members,
for next gathering i'll be the activity planner,
so, pls clear yours time for free on 14 ~20 august,
also get ready for your MONEY !!!
cause i want to do something CRAZY !!!
shopping, look for delicious and k box,
these things are what i MUST bring out on that day !

Any suggestion for the venue,
pls contact me or leave the message here !

edit by nunchackus


  1. value type wrong liao,
    it's venue.

    I'm looking forward for the next gathering,

  2. 期待哦...
    i wil clear my time to attend it de...^^

  3. i oso
    i wanna go back on that day
    looking forward
    wanna enjoy with u guys
    i love u i miss u i need you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. haiya... no wonder i fell strange when i type the word 'value'
