Thursday, July 23, 2009

Detail for august gathering

Date : 15 august o9 , saturday (fixed)
Time : 2pm/2.30pm ~ 10pm++

Shopping time :
A) can i shopping at Pavillion but did't buy anythings ! or
B) mid valley shopping + red box time ( i miss that otak-otak ) or
C) what you say ??? suggestion

Dinner time :
A) shabu-shabu at Bandar Puteri or
B) QQ BBQ steambot at carrefour area

any other idea ?
pls leave it here, we can disscus and make it work together !

pls tell D.Knight about this information
( i think she have a long time did't check our blog )

Thanks you

*** my phone was no credit for temporary,
so when i did't reply yours message
then you may know what wrong is't.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!Yeah!
    and our lovely scissors going to join us in the gathering!
    Miss YOU really~
