Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Broga hill latest news

To all my dear, honey, darling, and sweetheart

Our next gathering destination and date will be locate at

date : 22.05.10
venue : Broga Hill
time : around 5 am

some information and suggestion from expert,
1. bring torch light, 1 liter water, and a shirt for change
2. 18-20degree celcious, it would be rather cold if it is rained the night before
3. no toilet over there
4. always human traffic jam

we need to star hiking up at 6 am to see sunrise.
please wear our gang T-shirt on that days.

emm... ... because there is always human traffic jam,
is't we still want to picnic there ?


  1. yeah....ok i roger that...
    since it will be very crowded...erm, i think picnic in other place or just mayb just eat some snack there symbolize we picnic there lol!!!
    then what time should we start journey head to there?

  2. darling the time is around 5am,
    i am mention above there already.

  3. since u say no toilet at there,
    how to change cloth...

  4. change at the car, i think. if you dun wan change is ok,,just depend on how lot of sweat you have.

  5. change in the car???
    no need la, stink together la.
    need to bring raincoat or umbrella?
    bring 1 litre water but no toilet..

  6. bring towel also.
    and try not to eat too much in the morning before going up the mountain.

  7. i will bring umbrella, yayaya also the towel, thanks for remind.
